
Created by Stephanie 4 years ago

Dear Lisa, Dear All,

Crikey where on earth do you begin. Your Mum, Lyn beginning a couple of years, 3 to be precise older than me means a lifetime of memories.

My first memory is the night my Mum, Chris went into labour with my brother, Anthony. He decided to surprise everyone one and come early,  meaning I spent the night with your Grandparents. I remember being allowed to pull the cushions of the sofa and jumping over them as your Mum and I pretended to be show horses. Betty encouraged the noise levels to increase as she piled the cushions higher and higher and from the age of four Betty has held a special place in my heart as the crazy funny Auntie.

As we all lived in the same village during my childhood it meant that we'd spend many school holidays together. Your Nan use to work in a little shop at the end of Mill Street, think it was a bakery, cycling there on a sit up and beg style brown bike that had the tiny wheels. In the basket she would always have crusty breadrolls. When ever we visited your Nan would insist on feeding us and out would come the crusty rolls and to this day there is no one that can make a crusty cheese roll like your Nan, they simply were the best.

When I told Anthony that I was going to write something on here for you and did he have any memories he simple said CHEESE ROLLS and being allowed to eat cake before the roll if you wanted to as Betty would sneak it onto your plate.

We'd spend hours playing in the garden as our Mum, your Nan and Auntie Marg drank tea and chatted away before repeating their entire conversations all over again! 

I don't have many if any photos of Betty as she always tried to dodge the camera,  but that doesn't matter for she was always smiling and laughing and that's what I remember.

Betty was a wonderful warm, crazy, funny aunt with a gentle soul who will remain in our hearts.

Betty and Christopher reunited in everlasting love.

Steph & Anthony xx