
Created by Rose 4 years ago
bet was my only sister out of 8 boys we had some good times as kids we would walk for miles over the field's  to play  and  had a good child hood as best we could as we were not rich  we all lived and  made the most of it 'as we grew older we all went are own way's and moved out and got married I lived with bet for a while then married again she was my match maker and my wife and I have been together 44 years .bet has always been the heart of the family everyone went to her if they wanted to know anythink about tackley   'she could remember her childhood as if it was yesterday 'I on the other hand could not remember it so well I will miss her egg sandwich as she always done food when you went over to see her enough to feed the street 'we had some good laughs together over the years 'I'm going to miss you so much bet good night and god bless you untill we meet again  love dave