My Nan

Created by Lisa 4 years ago

It has been more than 7 weeks since you passed away Nan and I have spent nearly half of that time trying to decide how and what I was going write here.

There are just so many special memories, that I am struggling to know where to start.

The one thing I know for sure is that ever since I was small I knew you were very special.

There wasn't anything that was too much trouble for you and I know you and gramp helped us as a family alot especially when I was young and needed medical appointments and inpatient treatments.

I remember you and gramp staying with me at the hospital so mum and dad could spend time with Karl and Lauren at home and I know you regularly took turns so it made caring for the 3 of us possible even when I was staying in hospital.

I remember all the fun we had when we spent time at your house, playing and messing around , I remember the hot water bottles and biscuits in bed in the morning when we slept over, the day trips you and gramp took us on to collect conkers, visits to Stratford upon Avon and my favourite Bourton on the Water where you would buy us ice cream and let us paddle our feet.

You would bring us treats back from your work place Morgan's and you always remembered that I loved a red delicious apple as much as a chocolate bar or sweet.

As I got older and moved out of home I would pop past to visit some weeknights and you would cook for me. I would spend hours chatting to you and Gramp before heading home.

We also got into a wonderful routine of Sunday tea times at your house, we would all get together and you would put on your famous spread of sandwiches and nibbles, all of which you would call 'scraps' even if you had been out and brought it that morning.

We would listen to Irish Eye on the radio and you would sing along to Daniel O'Donnell , dance in the dining room , eat squirty cream from the can and have us all in stitches with your false teeth chattering.

When I told you I was pregnant with Lyla I think it was the first time I ever remember seeing you shed a tear, you were so kind and encouraging. When Lyla was born you loved her instantly and I will never forget the day you told me how happy she made  you.

Things were abit different when Arlo came along but I will never forget how your eyes lit up and you smiled at the sight of a new  baby and a boy at that.

Nan I will never forget you, you were one in a million.

I will love and miss you always.

The heartbreak I feel at losing you is made a little more bearable knowing you are back with Gramp but my life will never been the same without you.

I love you Nan, more than any words can ever say. xx